anti-aging — CELSUS Bio-Intelligence Scar Cream for Scars, Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Anti-aging - CELSUS Skin Care and Beauty Blog - Healthy Habits, Anti-aging, Scar Removal, Stretch Marks, and more

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Top 4 Antioxidants for Anti-aging

Top 4 Antioxidants for Anti-aging

Vitamin E

Vitamin is an antioxidant that helps prevent premature aging by boosting collagen production, which leads to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.  The most effective application of Vitamin E, is...

4 Beverages That Will Beautify Your Skin

4 Beverages That Will Beautify Your Skin

When it comes to the consumption of beverages, the average American regularly sips on beverages that are not so good for them. Of the top 5 types of beverages consumed in the United States, 4 of them are...

4 Irresistible Skincare Trends That You Will Love!

4 Irresistible Skincare Trends That You Will Love!

#1 Facial Cleansing Brushes 

Facial cleansing brushes have two main benefits: they keep pores clean on a daily basis and they are great for circulation.  Increased circulation helps boost lymphatic drainage, which helps decrease congestion and...

25 Ways to Turn Back the Hands of Time

25 Ways to Turn Back the Hands of Time

While maintaining your skin’s youthful glow is not rocket science, a few good anti-aging tips can certainly help!  Here are 25 of our all time favorite anti-aging tips- and of course they are green too!

  1. Stay out of peak sun (10am-2pm). The suns damaging rays are the #1 cause of premature aging. 
  2. Wear sunblock on your face, arms and hands every single day.  Even indirect sunlight can cause premature...

Ingredient Spotlight: Tamanu Oil

Ingredient Spotlight: Tamanu Oil

The tamanu tree is indigenous to South East Asia and grows in Thailand, Myanmar Vietnam, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, South India and the Melanesian and Polynesian/Hawaiian Islands.  The tree is characterized by black, cracked bark and shiny leaves and can grow up to 10 feet tall.  Twice per year...

How Quinoa Can Benefit Your Skin

How Quinoa Can Benefit Your Skin

Quin-what?  Quinoa (keen-wah).   You know, that itty-bitty grain that has become a staple in the kitchens of foodies, health nuts and gluten-free diet followers galore. Here’s the whole scoop on this nutrient rich grain:

It all started…3-4 THOUSAND years ago when the Incas first discovered quinoa.  The Incas believed that it increased the stamina, energy and strength of their warriors and therefore it was dubbed “gold of the Incas”.  No wonder

Cleansing 101

Cleansing 101

Cleansing: verb. To make clean

This term is typically applied to our homes, our cars, our hair, our closets, etc. A mere 10 years or so ago, the idea of cleaning the INSIDE of ourselves was reserved for colonoscopies and health freaks. Now, the idea of cleaning out our “earthly home” is becoming more widely accepted and understood. Lets talk about the basics of getting our insides squeaky clean and why it matters.

Why? Simply put, our lives are full of additives, junk, toxins, pollutants, and chemicals we can’t pronounce. Everything from...

5 Ways Yoga Benefits Your Skin

5 Ways Yoga Benefits Your Skin
  1. It helps detoxify. Certain Asanas (yoga postures) help stimulate detoxification and flush out toxins from your body. A cleaner environment on the inside translates to clearer skin on the outside.
  2. It reduces stress. Chronic stress can have a huge impact on your health as well as the condition of your skin. Yes, our bodies are designed to handle stress via our inborn Flight–or-Fight response. The problem is that on a day to day basis our stress response gets stimulated hundreds of more times than it was designed to and therefore it’s critical that we adopt lifestyle habits that help to combat the effects of stress. Stress can lead to dull skin, acne breakouts and premature wrinkles. Yoga helps to stimulate the relaxation response and combat the negative effects of stress leading to clear, healthy, glowing skin.
  3. It helps increase...

The Skinny on the HOTTEST New Skincare Product

The Skinny on the HOTTEST New Skincare Product

Move over Face cream, there is a new kind of facial moisturizer in town and it’s getting loads of positive attention. “What is this new product?", you wonder. It’s Facial Oil- and it’s popping up all over the place in a slew of formulations ranging from single oils to fancy oil blends infused with essential oils. Here is the scoop on this new skincare craze:

Facial Oil vs. Face Cream Creams are typically water and wax-based with a few oils added in. While waxes are great at holding existing moisture in, they have two major downsides:

#1. The barrier they create to help hold moisture...

9 HOT Tips for Summer Skincare

9 HOT Tips for Summer Skincare

We love the sun! The sun helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, regulates sleep cycles and increases feelings of well-being. But as much as we need the sun’s golden rays, we also need to be mindful of their downside. Over exposure to the sun can lead to wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer. Here are a few skincare tips that will keep your skin protected from the sun this summer (and beyond):

1. Slather on the Sunscreen. Sun damage is the #1 cause of premature aging and skin cancer. Protect your skin from harmful UV exposure with consistent daily use of sunscreen. When we say “daily” we mean every single day- rain or shine. Look for a light weight, chemical-free formula that contains zinc oxide. This is important during any season of the year, but it’s especially important in the summer since the sun is stronger and more of your skin is exposed to the elements.

2. No Nano Particles Please. For many years natural sunscreens have...

Radiant Skin in Your 50's and Beyond

Radiant Skin in Your 50's and Beyond

Once you’ve hit 50 (or close to it) you will start to see major changes in your complexion. You’ll most likely notice the brown spots and uneven tone that resulted from all the prior decades of sunbathing, dark circles beneath your eyes that even a goods nights sleep cant shake off and a level of dryness that rivals the Sahara dessert. In addition, expression lines no longer fade away after you stop smiling and pores are larger and more visible. Although we cannot help you erase your wrinkles or to completely transform your sagging skin, we can help you to get your skin looking its absolute best. Here is what you need to know about caring for your sink in your 50’s and beyond:

Amazing 1-Ingredient Beauty Treatments

Amazing 1-Ingredient Beauty Treatments

In a world full of fancy spa treatments, luxurious crèmes and expensive serums, it can be difficult to believe that less can actually be more. But what if less is more? What if one simple ingredient can provide better results than a formulation of 40+ ingredients?   We believe it’s possible! Here are six 1-ingredient beauty treatments that rival expensive products and fancy spa treatments.

Beauty Treatment #1: Coconut Oil Deep Conditioning Treatment
Unlike most oils that simply coat your hair, coconut oil penetrates hair follicles to moisturize from within, repair damaged hair, and protect your hair from future damage from hair products and heat. In addition, coconut oil protects your hair from losing protein, which results in thicker, stronger hair. To top it all off, the fatty acids in coconut oil help prevent split ends and give your hair a healthy shine.

How to Use It: Massage 2-4 Tablespoons of coconut oil into...

Radiant Skin in Your 20's

Radiant Skin in Your 20's

Although most signs of aging probably won't kick in until your 30’s, its never too early to start getting into the habits that will help you preserve your youth as long as possible. Good skin-care habits in your 20’s are the perfect foundation for maintaining your youthful glow throughout the decades that follow. Here is what you need to know about skin-care in your 20’s:

Adopt a natural skincare regimen and stick to it
A proper skin-care routine is the foundation for healthy, glowing skin. Start with a gentle cleanser, which removes dirt, oils and impurities from pores and prevents them from getting clogged. Next, restore your skin’s natural ph balance by spritzing a hydrating toner all over your freshly cleansed face. After giving your toner a few seconds to dry, slather a...

The Essential Lifestyle Component For Getting Glowing Skin

The Essential Lifestyle Component For Getting Glowing Skin

Ranging from diet and lifestyle to environmental factors and types of products used, there are many factors that can affect your skin’s health and appearance. Although many of these factors play a role, there are some that have a more noticeable effect on your skin than others. One of the biggest contributors to the condition of your skin is the amount and quality of sleep that you get. Deprive your body of sleep and it won’t take long for your skin to begin showing the beauty-diminishing effects of sleep deprivation. On the flip side, if you consistently get a good night’s sleep you will see visible results in your skins appearance.

How does sleep affect skin? Deep sleep stimulates collagen production and helps our skin cells repair and regenerate themselves. In addition, when you are sleep deprived your body produces more cortisol (the stress hormone), which may lead to an increase of...

Skin Care 101

Skin Care 101

Taking excellent care of your skin is one of the best things you can do to combat aging and maintain your youthful glow, but with so many skin-care products and treatments out there it can be really confusing to know how to best care for our largest organ. That’s where we can help! Our approach to skin care is simple and is centered around good habits and natural (we mean TRULY natural) products and ingredients. Here are our skin-care basics:

Use Products and Ingredients that are in Harmony with Nature
Mainstream cosmetics are chocked full of toxic chemicals, parabens and sulfates that can wreak havoc on your skin as well as your health. Some of these chemicals may help to temporarily alleviate symptoms such as acne, skin rashes and puffy eyes, but in the long run they can cause more damage than good.   For long-term skin health, opt for clean, natural and ideally organic products made without synthetic ingredients or additives. Our favorite natural skin care brand is Pangaea Organics, whose line of all-natural skin-care products...

Edible Beauty

Edible Beauty

Most of us don’t“guzzle” our facial moisturizer or eat our lipstick, but we might as well be.  What we put ON our bodies, ends up IN our bodies---in fact about 70% of what you put on your body gets absorbed into your bloodstream.  Its’ no wonder that most detox spas preach the motto “If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your body”.  We love this motto and make it a goal to live by it as often as possible. Here is one of our favorite DIY (and its edible too!) beauty treatments:

Anti-aging Honey & Avocado Mask      

You'll need:

  • *1/2 avocado: moisturizes, softens skin and reduces inflammation.
  • *1 tsp raw honey: high in antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process.  Also clarifies skin by opening and unclogging pores.
  • *1 tsp fresh lemon juice: contains citric acid, which cleanses and...

Fountain of Youth: 2 Habits that Will Keep You Looking Forever Young

Fountain of Youth: 2 Habits that Will Keep You Looking Forever Young

Protecting your skin against the signs of aging isn’t rocket science, but it does require the cultivation of a few good habits. Aside from the obvious ones (drink tons of water, avoid getting too much sun and don’t smoke), there are two simply non-negotiable habits we suggest you adopt in order to preserve your youthful glow.

The first? A solid skin-care routine consisting of the highest quality, natural skincare products. And by “natural”, we are not referring to brands that are positioned as natural. What we are referring to are truly natural (and preferably organic) brands that don’t use harmful chemicals such as propylene glycol, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate and synthetic fragrances. Your daily skin care arsenal should ideally consist of a gentle cleanser, a toner, a light moisturizer and highly effective wrinkle cream (our scar cream doubles as a wrinkle cream and significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines).

The Second? A diet chocked full of...

Spring Clean Your Skin

Spring Clean Your Skin

As the temperature slowly rises and nature’s tiniest buds sprout into existence, we begin to feel an unmistakable nostalgia- and just like that we recognize that spring has arrived. It comes bearing the gifts of renewal and rebirth and has the magical ability to inspire us to soak up its life-giving energy into all of our cells. All of sudden we feel drawn to clean out our closets and clear the clutter from our lives, taking full advantage of this “fresh start” that nature has inspired.

Because of our deep love for healthy skin, we believe that revitalizing our largest organ is just as important as clearing all of the clutter outside of ourselves. We know firsthand how great it feels and how beneficial it is to give a big dose of attention and special care to our skin. So in celebration of spring, we would like to offer some inspiration for spring-cleaning your skin. The following deep cleansing routine is perfect for any change of seasons:

Start on the Inside: A 5-7 day nutritional cleanse is in order. Cleansing helps your body flush...