Spring Clean Your Skin

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Spring Clean Your Skin

As the temperature slowly rises and nature’s tiniest buds sprout into existence, we begin to feel an unmistakable nostalgia- and just like that we recognize that spring has arrived. It comes bearing the gifts of renewal and rebirth and has the magical ability to inspire us to soak up its life-giving energy into all of our cells. All of sudden we feel drawn to clean out our closets and clear the clutter from our lives, taking full advantage of this “fresh start” that nature has inspired.

Because of our deep love for healthy skin, we believe that revitalizing our largest organ is just as important as clearing all of the clutter outside of ourselves. We know firsthand how great it feels and how beneficial it is to give a big dose of attention and special care to our skin. So in celebration of spring, we would like to offer some inspiration for spring-cleaning your skin. The following deep cleansing routine is perfect for any change of seasons:

  1. Start on the Inside: A 5-7 day nutritional cleanse is in order. Cleansing helps your body flush out toxins and impurities and can lead your body (and skin!) into a more balanced and healthy state. Try an organic juice cleanse, a raw food cleanse, a whole food cleanse or even a bone broth cleanse. The keys to cleansing are to eliminate all processed foods, flours, grains and sugars for a period of time and to eat or drink foods that are as easy to digest as possible. Make sure you opt for all organic fruits, veggies and meats (if you are cleansing with whole foods or bone broths) during your cleanse so that you are not re-toxing your system while detoxing.
  2. Brush Your Skin: This is a habit we recommend getting into on a daily basis, and it’s extra important when you are doing a seasonal cleanse. Dry brushing is essentially a “massage” for your largest organ – your skin. Not only does it exfoliate and slough off dead skin cells, but it also helps skin to breathe, increasing blood flow and circulation while stimulating the circulatory & lymphatic systems. Benefits of dry skin brushing include glowing, smooth skin, increased energy, decreased bloating and improved digestion. When buying a skin brush, you’ll want pick one that has stiff, natural bristles with a slight give. Once you are armed with your brush, simply brush your skin (dry only) using long, sweeping, upward motions toward your heart.
  3. Give Your Face a Fresh Start: Start with a good quality (all-natural) cleanser and follow with an exfoliating scrub. Try a DIY homemade scrub using simple ingredients such as coconut oil, brown sugar and a few drop of your favorite essential oil (we love lavender). Next, apply a deeply nourishing mask to your face and neck. Our favorite store bought treatment is a nutrient-rich rich mask made by Pangea Organics: Japanese Matcha Tea Mask with Acai and Goji Berry. Once you’ve washed off your mask, restore your skin’s ph balance with a gentle toner such as Witch Hazel, which also helps to tighten pores and smooth skin. To finish your facial, smooth a few drops of non-oily moisturizer all over your face and neck and dab a tiny bit of CELSUS scar cream on any visible wrinkles, fine lines or blemishes.

Happy Skin Cleansing!