How Quinoa Can Benefit Your Skin

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How Quinoa Can Benefit Your Skin

Quin-what?  Quinoa (keen-wah).   You know, that itty-bitty grain that has become a staple in the kitchens of foodies, health nuts and gluten-free diet followers galore. Here’s the whole scoop on this nutrient rich grain:

It all started…3-4 THOUSAND years ago when the Incas first discovered quinoa.  The Incas believed that it increased the stamina, energy and strength of their warriors and therefore it was dubbed “gold of the Incas”.  No wonder modern day quinoa lovers refer to it as a superfood!

Got protein? Not only is quinoa chock full of it, but it contains all 9 essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and is therefore considered a complete source of protein.  Not bad for a plant-based protein source, eh?

Its G-free!: If you suffer from Celiac disease, are sensitive to gluten or if you just prefer to avoid gluten (many health experts believe that g-free is an overall healthier way of eating) then quinoa has the potential to be your new best friend.  It’s versatile and absolutely delicious!

Weight loss Wonder: Quinoa is low in fat.  The bit of fat it does contain is comprised of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that help your body burn fat.  Quinoa is also high in fiber (it contains almost 2 x as much as other grains), which keeps you fuller longer.

Skincare Superstar:  Quinoa offers a slew of incredible benefits for the skin.  For starters, quinoa contains lysine, an essential nutrient which helps the body create elastin and collagen.  Elastin and collagen support the body in healing damaged tissue.  Collagen also supports cellular rejuvenation and naturally helps to reduce and prevent wrinkles. Quinoa also helps to treat and prevent acne by helping to decrease the production of sebum, an oily substance produced by the skin. 

How to Eat It: With its nutty flavor and fluffy texture, quinoa is an excellent substitute for rice or other grains.  Wanna get a little more creative with your quinoa? Try quinoa in a salad, as a breakfast cereal (instead of oatmeal), sprouted and blended into a smoothie, sautéed with your favorite veggies, mixed into a soup, or ground and baked into a batch of cookies or muffins.