greenbeauty — CELSUS Bio-Intelligence Scar Cream for Scars, Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Anti-aging - CELSUS Skin Care and Beauty Blog - Healthy Habits, Anti-aging, Scar Removal, Stretch Marks, and more

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Cosmetic Case Makeover

Cosmetic Case Makeover

Trading in your mainstream beauty products for natural, chemical-free formulations is one of the very best things you can do for your health.  Mainstream beauty products are notorious for containing harmful ingredients including phthalates, parabens, sulfates, propylene glycol, fragrances and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives. Luckily...

Radiant Skin in Your 30's

Radiant Skin in Your 30's

In your 20’s you could easily get away with falling asleep with a face full of makeup or spending the day at the beach sans sunscreen. Unfortunately, at some point we all must begrudgingly bid adieu to that decade of our lives. In your 30’s, you’ll most likely start to see noticeable signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone. This is the perfect time to revamp your skin-care routine to help slow the signs of aging. Here is what you need to know about skin-care in your 30’s:

Exfoliation is Essential
Beginning in your 30’s, cell turnover and metabolism starts to slow down, causing your skin to look dull and aged. Fret not, my dears. The answer to this worrisome dilemma is simple: just exfoliate! Topical exfoliation (such as a scrub) helps stimulate cell turnover by sloughing away dead skin cells. Many aestheticians also recommend that in addition to topical exfoliation, exfoliate at a deeper level once you hit the big 3-0. This can be done by using an...

Spring Clean Your Skin

Spring Clean Your Skin

As the temperature slowly rises and nature’s tiniest buds sprout into existence, we begin to feel an unmistakable nostalgia- and just like that we recognize that spring has arrived. It comes bearing the gifts of renewal and rebirth and has the magical ability to inspire us to soak up its life-giving energy into all of our cells. All of sudden we feel drawn to clean out our closets and clear the clutter from our lives, taking full advantage of this “fresh start” that nature has inspired.

Because of our deep love for healthy skin, we believe that revitalizing our largest organ is just as important as clearing all of the clutter outside of ourselves. We know firsthand how great it feels and how beneficial it is to give a big dose of attention and special care to our skin. So in celebration of spring, we would like to offer some inspiration for spring-cleaning your skin. The following deep cleansing routine is perfect for any change of seasons:

Start on the Inside: A 5-7 day nutritional cleanse is in order. Cleansing helps your body flush...