CELSUS Bio-Intelligence Scar Cream for Scars, Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Anti-aging - CELSUS Skin Care and Beauty Blog - Healthy Habits, Anti-aging, Scar Removal, Stretch Marks, and more

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Top 4 Antioxidants for Anti-aging

Top 4 Antioxidants for Anti-aging

Vitamin E

Vitamin is an antioxidant that helps prevent premature aging by boosting collagen production, which leads to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.  The most effective application of Vitamin E, is...

4 Beverages That Will Beautify Your Skin

4 Beverages That Will Beautify Your Skin

When it comes to the consumption of beverages, the average American regularly sips on beverages that are not so good for them. Of the top 5 types of beverages consumed in the United States, 4 of them are...

4 Irresistible Skincare Trends That You Will Love!

4 Irresistible Skincare Trends That You Will Love!

#1 Facial Cleansing Brushes 

Facial cleansing brushes have two main benefits: they keep pores clean on a daily basis and they are great for circulation.  Increased circulation helps boost lymphatic drainage, which helps decrease congestion and...

25 Ways to Turn Back the Hands of Time

25 Ways to Turn Back the Hands of Time

While maintaining your skin’s youthful glow is not rocket science, a few good anti-aging tips can certainly help!  Here are 25 of our all time favorite anti-aging tips- and of course they are green too!

  1. Stay out of peak sun (10am-2pm). The suns damaging rays are the #1 cause of premature aging. 
  2. Wear sunblock on your face, arms and hands every single day.  Even indirect sunlight can cause premature...

Cosmetic Case Makeover

Cosmetic Case Makeover

Trading in your mainstream beauty products for natural, chemical-free formulations is one of the very best things you can do for your health.  Mainstream beauty products are notorious for containing harmful ingredients including phthalates, parabens, sulfates, propylene glycol, fragrances and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives. Luckily...

Ingredient Spotlight: Tamanu Oil

Ingredient Spotlight: Tamanu Oil

The tamanu tree is indigenous to South East Asia and grows in Thailand, Myanmar Vietnam, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, South India and the Melanesian and Polynesian/Hawaiian Islands.  The tree is characterized by black, cracked bark and shiny leaves and can grow up to 10 feet tall.  Twice per year...

The Truth About Sunscreen

The Truth About Sunscreen

Marketing often leads consumers to believe that sunscreen is a summer skin care essential, however, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), sunscreen should be your last resort.  There is a huge discrepancy between what people think they should be doing for their skin and what is actually safest and healthiest. While some types of sunscreen are safe, many sunscreens are actually...

What are your Summer Skin Care Essentials?

What are your Summer Skin Care Essentials?

Ready, set, dish!  We want to know what your Summer 2016 skin care essentials are! Tell us about all the little tubes, jars and other containers filled with your favorite summer creams, serums, potions and lotions and you could be one of 3 people who wins a tube of our award-winning, organic scar cream PLUS $50 e-gift card from Integirty Botanicals!

How to Enter...

Red, White + Blue Skin Care

Red, White + Blue Skin Care

Each holiday gives us an opportunity to slow down and celebrate something meaningful to us; and the 4th of July is no exception.  On the 4th, we celebrate our independence with picnics, BBQ’s, fireworks, parades, and quality time with our families and friends.  Sometimes all of this fun can translate into zero down time to relax and rejuvenate.

In the spirit of creating some down time for yourself and your skin this 4th, here are 3 homemade facial treatments that...

Skin Care for Pregnancy

So you’ve got a bun in the oven.  What does that mean for your skin?  You could soon be experiencing anything from a “pregnancy glow” to stretch marks and even skin eruptions. Here’s our full scoop on the skin care changes we recommend that Mamas-to-be incorporate into their beauty routine:

Be Super Selective About Your Beauty Products

We highly recommend cutting out products containing toxic chemicals, parabens and additives whether you are pregnant or not, however if you haven’t done so already now is the time.  Your skin can absorb up to 60% of what you put on it, which means that any toxic ingredients in your beauty products are being absorbed directly into your blood stream and can also make their way into your baby’s blood supply and potentially negatively impact your growing baby.  Ideally everything that you put on your skin including soaps, lotions, beauty products and makeup should be chemical-free, pure and organic.   

Tend To Your Expanding Belly

Many new mamas complain about stretch marks across their belly.  While there are great products out there that can help fade stretch marks, it’s much easier to prevent them from forming in the first place.  So what can you do to make it through pregnancy to birth with little to no stretch marks? The answer is quite simple. Take impeccable care of your skin and give it the building blocks it needs to stretch easefully.  For starters, eat foods that will help boost your skins elasticity.  Incorporate collagen rich foods such as bone broth, gelatin, eggs, cod liver oil and other healthy oils in your daily diet.  This will nourish your skin from the inside out and give your skin the nutrients it needs to improve its elasticity.  In addition, make sure to drink plenty of water, which will help keep your body and skin adequately hydrated. Next, give your belly maximum moisture topically in order to support your skin as it stretches.  The best way to do this is by using a highly emollient natural oil such as 100% pure Shea Butter or Cocoa Butter.  Make a twice-daily belly massage part of your pregnancy self care routine.  And finally, ensure that you are getting plenty of the key nutrients that help prevent the formation of stretch marks.  These nutrients include zinc, which can be found in lamb, pumpkin seeds, eggs and whole grains and Vitamin C, which can be found in kale, bell peppers, broccoli and oranges.

Make Sure Your Diet is Squeaky Clean

What you eat is more important now than ever. First off, everything you consume being absorbed by your growing baby, which means that the foods you are consuming are either nourishing or potentially harming the little one developing inside of you.  Second, since high amounts of vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients are being sent straight to your growing baby, your system is getting less of these nutrients than you typically would.  If you aren’t getting enough nutrients that can easily impact the health and appearance of your skin.  Combat this by eating a lot of fresh, nutrient-rich foods such as spinach, bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, berries, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and wild caught fish. 

Combat Skin Eruptions

Acne is the most common skin problem among pregnant women and is caused by the secretion of oil induced by increased hormone fluctuations.  The most common area for breakouts during pregnancy is around the mouth and chin.  Avoid reaching for any harsh or acidic products to treat this pesky hormone-induced skin problem.  Instead, treat your problem areas naturally using the following tips:

  1. Avoiding over washing your skin.  Twice a day is plenty.
  2. Change your pillowcase often.
  3. Don’t use a harsh exfoliant.  Instead use something gentle.
  4. Use a natural, simple toner to help absorb excess oil.  Good options for this are rose water, apple cider vinegar or witch hazel.
  5. Make a spot treatment using one TBSP baking soda and 1 TBSP water.
  6. Combat stress and calm your hormones with relaxing activities such as a prenatal yoga class, massage, nap or walk in nature. 

What About Essential Oils?

The use of essential oils during pregnancy is very controversial and there are a wide variety of options on the matter.  According to Naturopathic Doctors, there are some essential oils that are safe to use in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.  These “safe” oils include lavender, Chamomile and Ylang Ylang, all of which help calm and soothe.  There are also several essential oils which can cause contractions and should be avoided during pregnancy.  Some these include Cinnamon, Rosemary, Clove and Clary Sage.  For a complete list of essential oils to avoid we recommend that you consult your Naturopath or Physician. 

6 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin

6 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin

Dry, flaky skin, dull complexion and enlarged pores- the dryness, hibernation and comfort foods of winter certainly have a way of leaving their mark on us. Fortunately after winter comes spring, a time of deep renewal, regeneration and rebirth.  In addition to bringing Spring’s spirit of renewal to your home, your career and your everyday life, spring is the perfect time to...

Eczema 101

Eczema 101

What is Eczema?  Eczema is a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding.

What Are the Causes of Eczema?  
While medical science isn’t sure about the exact causes of eczema, there are factors that are thought to be contributors to this condition. The following factors...

3 Small Changes Your Skin Will Love

3 Small Changes Your Skin Will Love

Small changes are actually the best changes because they are much easier (and a lot less stressful) to stick to long term.  Plus over time, small changes add up and become big changes.  For healthy, glowing skin we recommend these 3...

5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin This Winter!

5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin This Winter!

Most of us face a few additional challenges in caring for our skin during this time of year.  The #1 challenge?  Dry skin!  During the winter months humidity levels outside drop, causing the moisture in your skin to evaporate more quickly.  To make matters worse, most of us spend more time indoors in the winter.  Heated indoor air further dries out skin as well as mucous membranes, which leads to dry noses, chapped lips and dry throats.  Luckily there are many wonderful ways to keep your skin moist and hydrated throughout these ultra dry winter months.  Here are...

7 Ways to Love Yourself

7 Ways to Love Yourself

Valentine’s Day may be over, but you can still consciously fill your universe with love.  We’re not talking about the kind of love you get from someone else- we’re talking about the kind of kind of love you GIVE to yourself! 

Self-love is an important ingredient for mental, physical and spiritual health.  It’s what inspires us to slow down, to eat healthy, to talk positively to ourselves and to embrace our flaws.  Self-love makes our bodies healthier, more...

5 Raw Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

5 Raw Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

“Raw” food is getting a lot of buzz these days, but exactly does it mean to eat “raw”?  Well for starters, the term “raw” indicates that the food has never been heated above 118 degrees (this includes heating through pasteurization) and thus retains all of its enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The Raw Food Diet is rich in...

A Kale Recipe That Will Make Your Skin Glow

A Kale Recipe That Will Make Your Skin Glow

At Celsus, we love eating foods that contribute to glowing skin- and kale is one of them!  Kale is packed full of fiber, antioxidants and Vitamin K (hello healthy skin) and its earthy fresh flavor is simply irresistible.  Here is a quick and easy recipe for a kale dish that...