Clean Eating — CELSUS Bio-Intelligence Scar Cream for Scars, Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Anti-aging - CELSUS Skin Care and Beauty Blog - Healthy Habits, Anti-aging, Scar Removal, Stretch Marks, and more

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4 Beverages That Will Beautify Your Skin

4 Beverages That Will Beautify Your Skin

When it comes to the consumption of beverages, the average American regularly sips on beverages that are not so good for them. Of the top 5 types of beverages consumed in the United States, 4 of them are...

3 Small Changes Your Skin Will Love

3 Small Changes Your Skin Will Love

Small changes are actually the best changes because they are much easier (and a lot less stressful) to stick to long term.  Plus over time, small changes add up and become big changes.  For healthy, glowing skin we recommend these 3...

A Kale Recipe That Will Make Your Skin Glow

A Kale Recipe That Will Make Your Skin Glow

At Celsus, we love eating foods that contribute to glowing skin- and kale is one of them!  Kale is packed full of fiber, antioxidants and Vitamin K (hello healthy skin) and its earthy fresh flavor is simply irresistible.  Here is a quick and easy recipe for a kale dish that...

How Quinoa Can Benefit Your Skin

How Quinoa Can Benefit Your Skin

Quin-what?  Quinoa (keen-wah).   You know, that itty-bitty grain that has become a staple in the kitchens of foodies, health nuts and gluten-free diet followers galore. Here’s the whole scoop on this nutrient rich grain:

It all started…3-4 THOUSAND years ago when the Incas first discovered quinoa.  The Incas believed that it increased the stamina, energy and strength of their warriors and therefore it was dubbed “gold of the Incas”.  No wonder

Cleansing 101

Cleansing 101

Cleansing: verb. To make clean

This term is typically applied to our homes, our cars, our hair, our closets, etc. A mere 10 years or so ago, the idea of cleaning the INSIDE of ourselves was reserved for colonoscopies and health freaks. Now, the idea of cleaning out our “earthly home” is becoming more widely accepted and understood. Lets talk about the basics of getting our insides squeaky clean and why it matters.

Why? Simply put, our lives are full of additives, junk, toxins, pollutants, and chemicals we can’t pronounce. Everything from...

Easter Baskets Remade

Easter Baskets Remade

Nothing says “Easter” like a basket full of jelly beans, chocolate eggs and marshmallow peeps. The “Martha Stewart” in us loves making and giving Easter Baskets---but we like ours minus the toxic chemicals, sugar highs and a tummy aches---so we figured out a way to fill them with healthier alternatives that are just as yummy and festive as the naughty ones. Here are the goodies that we recommend for a healthier basket this Easter:

1. Dark Chocolate: Cacao (the real, unprocessed stuff) is full of antioxidants and high in magnesium, which is an important mineral for heart health. For maximum nutrition, opt for an organic bar (organic bars almost always have fewer ingredients) that has a cacao content of 70% or more. Our pick for dark chocolate?  Chocolove Organic Dark Chocolate!

2. Fruit Leather: Choose brands that are...

Spring Clean Your Skin

Spring Clean Your Skin

As the temperature slowly rises and nature’s tiniest buds sprout into existence, we begin to feel an unmistakable nostalgia- and just like that we recognize that spring has arrived. It comes bearing the gifts of renewal and rebirth and has the magical ability to inspire us to soak up its life-giving energy into all of our cells. All of sudden we feel drawn to clean out our closets and clear the clutter from our lives, taking full advantage of this “fresh start” that nature has inspired.

Because of our deep love for healthy skin, we believe that revitalizing our largest organ is just as important as clearing all of the clutter outside of ourselves. We know firsthand how great it feels and how beneficial it is to give a big dose of attention and special care to our skin. So in celebration of spring, we would like to offer some inspiration for spring-cleaning your skin. The following deep cleansing routine is perfect for any change of seasons:

Start on the Inside: A 5-7 day nutritional cleanse is in order. Cleansing helps your body flush...