What are your Summer Skin Care Essentials?

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What are your Summer Skin Care Essentials?


Ready, set, dish!  We want to know what your Summer 2016 skin care essentials are! Tell us about all the little tubes, jars and other containers filled with your favorite summer creams, serums, potions and lotions and you could be one of 3 people who wins a tube of our award-winning, organic scar cream PLUS a $50 e-gift card from Integrity Botanicals!

How to Enter:
Get an entry for each of the tasks listed below.  You can complete each task multiple times and you will receive an additional entry for each repeat.  Winner will be picked at random, so the more times you enter the better your chances!  Contest ends at 11:59pm on 7/17/16, so go ahead and start sharing.  Winner will be announced by 7/20/16. 

Don’t forget the hashtag #MySummerSkinCare so we can track all your entries!