6 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin

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6 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin

Dry, flaky skin, dull complexion and enlarged pores- the dryness, hibernation and comfort foods of winter certainly have a way of leaving their mark on us. Fortunately after winter comes spring, a time of deep renewal, regeneration and rebirth.  In addition to bringing Spring’s spirit of renewal into your home, your career and your everyday life, spring is the perfect time to give your skin some extra love and to support its renewal.  Here are six ways you can deeply renew and regenerate your skin this spring:

#1 Herbal Steam:  An herbal facial steam can help unclog pores, hydrate and soften skin and boost circulation.  Customize your steam based on your skin’s unique needs.  Add a few drops of tea tree oil to help heal acne, chamomile to soothe inflamed skin, lavender to calm, or fresh rosemary to balance oily skin.

How to use it: Add dried herbs of your choice to a large teapot and steep for 10-15 minutes.  When the herbs are finished steeping, fill a large stainless steel bowl or pot with very hot water and strain the herb tea into the water.  At this point you can also add an essential oil (or a few) of your choice to the water.  Grab a large bath towel, place the bowl on table and pull up a chair.  Drape the towel over your and shoulder and create a tent over the bowl and steam your face and neck for 5-7 minutes.  After your steam is done, gently pat your face dry with a towel and massage a few drops of natural oil into your face to help lock in the moisture.

How often: once per week 

#2 Baking Soda: Baking soda makes the perfect natural exfoliator. Its granules are extra fine yet hard, making it wonderfully effective at sloughing away dead skin cells without irritating your skin. 

How to use it: Mix 1 teaspoon with a bit of cleanser and massage into your skin using small circular motions.

How often:  2-3 times per week

#3 Egg Whites: Egg whites tighten and tone skin, repair skin tissue and help protect the skin against aging.

How to use it: For lovers of simplicity, beat a couple egg whites and spread the mixture on your skin as a mask.  Lie down and leave on your face for 15 minutes.  If you have a bit more time, you can experiment with mixing in various healing ingredients to the egg white mixture before you slather it on your face.  To combat acne, add a bit of honey or yogurt, to hydrate dry skin add a bit of mashed avocado or a few drops of Vitamin E oil, to even out skin tone add some lemon juice and to help fight aging and free radicals add in some blended berries.

How often: 2-3 times per week

#4 Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is a treatment that exfoliates and removes dry and dead cells from the surface of your skin, leaving your skin feeling cleaner than ever before.  As we age, cell turnover slows down, leading to dull, dry and wrinkled skin. Microdermabrasion helps stimulate cell turnover, which restores your skin’s smoothness, suppleness and youthful glow.

How to use it: Visit an Esthetician who offers this service.

How often: Once every 1-2 months

#5 Parsley: Parsley is a natural detoxifier and can help pull out toxins and impurities from your pores.

How to use it: Wash a bunch of organic parsley and place in a stainless steel bowl.  Fill the bowl with boiling water and leave parsley to steep.  Once the water has cooled to room temperature, dunk a clean washcloth in and wring it out.  Lie down and place the washcloth over your face for 10-15 minutes. 

How often: every other day

#6 Natural Oils: Natural oils soak deep into your skin for instant hydration, rejuvenation and protection from the elements. 

How to use it: Massage a few drops into your skin in the morning and evening as part of your skincare routine.  Natural oils are also very beneficial when applied after a mask or steam as they help to lock moisture into the skin.  Our top-picks for natural facial oils include Argan Oil, Rose-hip Oil and Marula Oil. 

How often: 2-3 times per day