3 Ways to Combat Holiday Over-Indulgence

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3 Ways to Combat Holiday Over-Indulgence

For many of us, the 5 weeks sandwiched between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve will likely be filled with family celebrations, holiday parties and lots and lots of temptation.  In order to keep yourself feeling healthy, balanced and energized during this overly-indulgent time of year, we suggest adopting a few simple techniques.  Follow these three suggestions and you might just make it through the holiday season unscathed:

1.     Eat Before You Go: One thing is for sure during the holiday season: there will be no shortage of culinary indulgences available for your consumption. In order to prevent yourself from overindulging, eat something light and healthy before you head to your holiday party or family gathering.  Studies prove that if you are famished, you will eat much more than if you are just slightly hungry.  With this strategy, you can nibble on all of the delicious food at the party, savoring each little bite instead of scarfing down firsts, seconds, thirds, etc.. You will eat much less and leave the party feeling lighter and more energized. Overindulged a little? Offset your day of over-indulgence with 2-3 days of eating light (think salads, smoothies, fruits, whole grains and roasted veggies).  Our bodies are naturally very resilient as long as we give them a break to support them in bouncing back. 

2.     Make Time For Yourself: With all the fun things happening during the holidays, it’s really easy to lose yourself in the hustle and bustle.  It is extra important to make sure you schedule a little time to relax and de-stress during this busy time of the year.  Create some time just for you by taking a day off of work, scheduling a massage, taking 10-15 minutes a day to meditate, taking a hot bubble bath, losing yourself in a good book, etc…

3.     Limit Your Liquor: The holidays are a time for celebration.  Beware of using the excuse “But it’s the holidays and I deserve to indulge”.  Focus on sharing this special time of year with your loved ones and sipping (at opposed to gulping) your libations.