All Natural Guide to Preventing and Healing Acne Scars

All Natural Guide to Preventing and Healing Acne Scars

What Is Acne?
Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by pimples on the face, neck, back and chest. In severe cases, pimples are cystic and can lead to scarring.

What Are the Causes of Acne?
There are several contributors to this condition. One of the most common causes of acne is a change in hormones. During puberty this manifests as an increase in testosterone. In adulthood, there could be a number of catalysts for hormonal changes including birth controls pills, prescription medications and stress.   Other causes of acne include diets high in sugar and processed foods, pimple-causing ingredients in mainstream beauty products as well as hidden causes such as touching your face too much or using a cell phone.

Factors That Can Make You More Prone to Acne Scars
While its widely known...

Fountain of Youth: 2 Habits that Will Keep You Looking Forever Young

Fountain of Youth: 2 Habits that Will Keep You Looking Forever Young

Protecting your skin against the signs of aging isn’t rocket science, but it does require the cultivation of a few good habits. Aside from the obvious ones (drink tons of water, avoid getting too much sun and don’t smoke), there are two simply non-negotiable habits we suggest you adopt in order to preserve your youthful glow.

The first? A solid skin-care routine consisting of the highest quality, natural skincare products. And by “natural”, we are not referring to brands that are positioned as natural. What we are referring to are truly natural (and preferably organic) brands that don’t use harmful chemicals such as propylene glycol, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate and synthetic fragrances. Your daily skin care arsenal should ideally consist of a gentle cleanser, a toner, a light moisturizer and highly effective wrinkle cream (our scar cream doubles as a wrinkle cream and significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines).

The Second? A diet chocked full of...