acne treatment — CELSUS Bio-Intelligence Scar Cream for Scars, Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Anti-aging - CELSUS Skin Care and Beauty Blog - Healthy Habits, Anti-aging, Scar Removal, Stretch Marks, and more

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acne treatment

8 Things You Never Knew About Aloe Vera

8 Things You Never Knew About Aloe Vera

Although its wonders have only recently been rediscovered, aloe vera has been known as a powerful healing plant for many centuries. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians held it so highly that they considered it to be the “Plant of Immortality” and Cleopatra regarded it as her beauty secret. We can surely relate to Cleopatra’s deep love for aloe. In fact, our love for aloe vera inspired us to make it one of the primary active ingredients in our award-winning scar cream. Here are the top 8 reasons we love aloe:

1. Aloe is a nutrient-rich Super food: Aloe contains over 75 different vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and phenols. In addition aloe contains salicylic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that also helps to unclog pores. To top it all off, aloe boasts sky-high levels of vitamin C, which helps promote circulation and is essential to the health of the adrenal glands.

2. Aloe helps prevent and treat acne. Aloe contains Auxin and Gibberellins, 2 hormones that have powerful...

All Natural Guide to Preventing and Healing Acne Scars

All Natural Guide to Preventing and Healing Acne Scars

What Is Acne?
Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by pimples on the face, neck, back and chest. In severe cases, pimples are cystic and can lead to scarring.

What Are the Causes of Acne?
There are several contributors to this condition. One of the most common causes of acne is a change in hormones. During puberty this manifests as an increase in testosterone. In adulthood, there could be a number of catalysts for hormonal changes including birth controls pills, prescription medications and stress.   Other causes of acne include diets high in sugar and processed foods, pimple-causing ingredients in mainstream beauty products as well as hidden causes such as touching your face too much or using a cell phone.

Factors That Can Make You More Prone to Acne Scars
While its widely known...